The World Day of Bullying Prevention™
Don your blue shirt for World Day of Bullying Prevention™ on October 5th. The annual day calls on the world to use their voices and Blue Up in solidarity to raise awareness for bullying prevention for all students. It also kicks of National Bullying Prevention Month.

The first Monday every October is designated for the world to stress the importance of bullying prevention and to rally together as one voice to eradicate bullying and cyberbullying for all students. The initiative was created 14 years ago by Stomp Out Bullying™ and Blue Shirt Day®. Both are initiatives of the Stomp Out Bullying Organization and coincide with October’s National Bullying Prevention Month,
On this day students, schools, and communities all over the world go BLUE together against bullying and cyberbullying for all students. It also kicks off National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month every October. Whether you wear a limited edition T-Shirt from the organization or a Blue Shirt of your choosing, the impact and outcome will be the same. Change the Culture!

“The vision I had for our 2020 t-shirt was all about kindness because that is the message we need to deliver to kids and teens around the world now more than ever.” — Ross Ellis, founder and CEO of STOMP Out Bullying
The focus for 2020 is on spreading the message of kindness and the need to develop a society focused on kindness and inclusivity. According to Ross Ellis, founder and CEO of STOMP Out Bullying, a “Kindness Team” was enlisted to help design its signature t-shirt and produce its PSA. The companies and people participating in this year’s campaign include Flint & Steel, Rooftop2 Productions, the musical group Sugarland, The Hive, Tylie Jones and Musical Director Kyle Norris. STOMP Out Bullying™ has also partnered with Clearasil for the first time. The medicated acne care brand will donate $25,000 to STOMP Out Bullying and help promote teen emotional health through anti-bullying, kindness, empathy, acceptance and skin-positivity. Clearasil will provide added support by sharing toolkits and educational resources to urge their following to get involved in the national anti-bullying movement.

National Bullying Prevention Month is sponsored by the Pacer Organization and by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. The annual campaign unites communities around the world to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. There are many ways to participate this month and show your support. Next up is Unity Day on October 21st.
The following buildings across the U.S. and in Canada will light blue in honor of World Month of Bullying Prevention and the kickoff of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.
Empire State Building, New York MetLife Stadium, New Jersey Boston Harbor Hotel, Boston Capitol Wheel, National Harbor, Maryland Cupola at Legislative Hall, Delaware State Capitol, Delaware Delaware State Capitol Building, Delaware One Liberty Place, Philadelphia Two Liberty Place, Philadelphia Prudential Center Tower, Boston, MA San Francisco City Hall, San Francisco, CA Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, CA State Capitol Building, Nashville, TN Wrigley Building, Chicago Niagara Falls Illumination Board, Ontario Calgary Tower, Calgary

So don your blue shirts today for the World Day of Bullying Prevention and keep the momentum going all year but, especially in October during the annual awareness campaign for bullying prevention. Every initiative on bullying prevention has Socially Sparked® our lives. Together we bring hope that the world can become bullying-free. — We are forever #SociallySparked! Tweet us @sosparkednews