Get Physical This April

Let’s move for National Walking Day, held annually the first Wednesday in April. The American Heart Association sponsors this movement as part of April’s Physical Activity Month.

Whether exercise is part of your daily routine or you are a newbie, today is a great day to jumpstart your way to maintaining a healthy life. Suggestions by the experts say that simply walking about 30 minutes a day leads to a healthier life and greatly improves being heart healthy.

National Walking Day.

Let’s Move in April for National Walking Day

National Walking Day got its start in 2007 as a simple way for people to get just a little bit healthier. The American Heart Association established the day to encourage people to get off the couch, get out there and participate in some easy and accessible physical activity.


For 16 years now we have been celebrating National Walking Day. Whether it’s getting your 10,000 steps per day in or moving for the recommended 30 minutes, walking most definitely puts a smile on your face and has Socially Sparked® our lives, and will continue to do so.  To learn more ways to get moving, visit The American Heart Association at — Abbe is Socially Sparked! Tweet us @sosparkednews or @asparks01