The lights sparkle and the curtains rise high every year for World Theatre Day. We celebrate theatre each year on March 27th to raise awareness about the importance of theatre arts and the crucial role they play in our lives.

World Theatre Day was created by The International Theatre Institute (ITI) in 1961 to raise awareness of the essence, beauty, and importance of theatre arts, their significant role in entertainment, and the symbolic impact that theatre has on our everyday lives. Each year since 1962, ITI, theatre professionals, theatre organizations, theatre universities and theatre lovers all over the world celebrate the designated theatre day by sharing its message through media and social media outlets and across stages around the world through dramatic performances.
“We gather to weep and to remember; to laugh and to contemplate; to learn and to affirm and to imagine” — Brett Bailey, Stage Director from South Africa, World Theatre Day Message Author 2014

Each year an outstanding figure in theatre or a person outstanding in heart and spirit from another field is invited to share his or her reflections on theatre and international harmony. Known as the International Message – it is translated into more than 50 languages, and shared thru media, social media and performance across the globe.
The first World Theatre Day International Message was written by French poet/playwright Jean Cocteau in 1962. More recently In 2021, the Message was authored by Helen Mirren, a multi-award-winning British actress reputed for winning the Academy Award in 2007 for her performance in “The Queen.” This year’s International Message is by Egyptian Actress of stage and screen, Samiha AYOUB.
“What we do on stage is the act of life itself and generating it from nothingness, like a burning ember that sparkles in the darkness, lighting the darkness of the night and warming its coldness. We are the ones who give life its splendor. We are the ones who embody it. We are the ones who make it vibrant and meaningful. And we are the ones who provide the reasons to understand it. We are the ones who use the light of art to confront the darkness of ignorance and extremism. We are the ones who embrace the doctrine of life, so that life may spread in this world. For this, we exert our effort, time, sweat, tears, blood, and nerves, everything we have to do in order to achieve this lofty message, defending the values of truth, goodness, and beauty, and truly believing that life deserves to be lived” — Samiha AYOUB, Egyptian Actress, World Theatre Day Message Author 2023

Theatre Arts have Socially Sparked® our lives in countless ways. There are many ways you can celebrate World Theatre Day to demonstrate and share the importance of theatre and the performing arts to others across the globe. A few suggestions: go see a show and experience seeing the lights sparkle and the curtain rise high; share the message #worldtheatreday on social media and recommend your favorite theatrical performance to a friend, colleague or family member. — Abbe is Socially Sparked! Tweet me at @sosparkednews & @asparks01