

7 years ago


By  •  Advocacy
April sparks spotlight alcoholism, autism, poetry, jazz and many more social justice, health and arts awareness initiatives. Sparks also electrify awareness for the environment, sexual assault, child abuse and distracted driving. Designated days include Earth Day, World Health Day and Walking Day, to name just a few. Here’s a topline of April’s finest. NATIONAL POETRY [...]
Albert Einstein on Hope: Socially Sparked Quote of the Week
7 years ago

Albert Einstein on Hope: Socially Sparked Quote of the Week

Albert Einstein's words on hope are the Socially Sparked Quote of the Week. The pre-eminent scientist of the modern age, Albert Einstein (1874 - 1955) was also known as a philosopher and humanist interested in and concerned about global issues. His words about 'hope' stand the test of time and have Socially Sparked® our lives. [...]
Five Socially Sparked Oscar Nominee Facts to Know
7 years ago

Five Socially Sparked Oscar Nominee Facts to Know

Five Socially Sparked® Oscar® Nominee facts you should know. The Academy Awards® reveals this year's nominees with Diversity and Equality ever present. The Shape of Water leads the list at 13 nods, with Three Billboards right behind. Here are our five takes on the 2018 Oscar nominees. FIVE SOCIALLY SPARKED OSCAR NOMINEE FACTS 1. BEST [...]
Women Named Socially Sparked® Changemakers of 2017
7 years ago

Women Named Socially Sparked® Changemakers of 2017

Women Named the Socially Sparked® Changemakers of 2017! Hands down, 2017 is the year of the Woman. Collectively, the gender has made boisterous and huge strides in changing the cultural and social conversation. From January’s Women’s March to November’s Me Too Movement, we highlight the top changemaker events of 2017 that Socially Sparked® our lives. [...]
Why Women Roar for Equality
7 years ago

Why Women Roar for Equality

Why do women roar for equality? It is incredulous that in 2017, this question still needs to be answered. But, after a recent personal encounter with a millennial young woman, I realized the importance of reiterating to the masses of men and women why women roar for equality. Our next generations of women fully need [...]
Trailblazing Working Musician Mamas Inspire Women
8 years ago

Trailblazing Working Musician Mamas Inspire Women

Allison Russell with daughter Ida Mauve on stage with Birds of Chicago Trailblazing Working Musician Mamas Inspire Women That They Can Do it All! They are forging the path for their fellow female artists contemplating touring with their infants and children. March is Women's History Month and this year’s theme honors Trailblazing Women in Labor [...]
Observe International Human Rights Day Today
8 years ago

Observe International Human Rights Day Today

December 10th is International Human Rights Day

December 10th is International Human Rights Day, an observance held every year on this day. It marks the day in 1948 that the United Nations General …
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Honor The International Day of Persons with Disabilities
8 years ago

Honor The International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Honor the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) today.  IDPD is celebrated annually on December 3rd  across the globe, since 1992 when the United Nations first created the event.


“Let …
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