Albert Einstein’s words on hope are the Socially Sparked Quote of the Week. The pre-eminent scientist of the modern age, Albert Einstein (1874 – 1955) was also known as a philosopher and humanist interested in and concerned about global issues. His words about ‘hope’ stand the test of time and have Socially Sparked® our lives.

albert einstein socially sparked quote of wekk

Learn from Yesterday; Live for Today; Hope for Tomorrow — Albert Einstein

Our world may seem more unsettling today with so many issues on the table — gun violence at the top of the list — climate change; gender equality; sex trafficking; terrorism; racism and more. We should take heed in Einstein’s simply stated words which offer a sensible and logical order on which to address these global issues.


Last week’s horrific, senseless, deadly and tragic shooting at a Florida school could have and should have been prevented. What will it take to stop history from repeating itself? How many more men, women and children will unnecessarily die before we get it? How many times do we have to repeat Einstein’s messsage — ‘Learn from yesterday’ before our children are safe?

It’s a given that oftentimes it is extremely difficult to identify a direct threat to our well-being. However, when there is the slightest inkling (a/k/a tip or sign) that there is a direct threat to our safety, to that of our children’s safety or other persons safety, we must be more aware and step up to the plate. Apologies after the fact for a ‘fall through the cracks’ response is unacceptable and far too late!albert einstein socially sparked quote of week.

While his words won’t fix any of these issues, they are a present day reminder that as in the recent past, all we can do is learn, live, plan and hope for a better world tomorrow. — Socially Sparked! Tweet @sosparkednews