Albert Einstein’s words on hope are the Socially Sparked Quote of the Week. The pre-eminent scientist of the modern age, Albert Einstein (1874 – 1955) was also known as a philosopher and humanist interested in and concerned about global issues. His words about ‘hope’ stand the test of time and have Socially Sparked® our lives.
Learn from Yesterday; Live for Today; Hope for Tomorrow — Albert Einstein
Our world may seem more unsettling today with so many issues on the table — gun violence at the top of the list — climate change; gender equality; sex trafficking; terrorism; racism and more. We should take heed in Einstein’s simply stated words which offer a sensible and logical order on which to address these global issues.
While his words won’t fix any of these issues, they are a present day reminder that as in the recent past, all we can do is learn, live, plan and hope for a better world tomorrow. — Socially Sparked! Tweet @sosparkednews
February 19, 2018
[…] Albert Einstein on Hope: Socially Sparked Quot… […]