
Performing Arts

All things Performing Arts that Socially Spark our lives. Theatre, Drama, Musical Theatre, Broadway, Opera and Dance.

Curtain Up for JanArtsNYC
5 years ago

Curtain Up for JanArtsNYC

The curtain goes up for JanArtsNYC on New Year's Day and does not come  down until the last day of January. Each year New York City becomes a performing arts mecca all month-long as artists and organizations around the globe trek to the Big Apple to network, perform and book their artistry and shows for [...]
NYE Ball Drops; Curtain Rises for JanArtsNYC
7 years ago

NYE Ball Drops; Curtain Rises for JanArtsNYC

The NYE Ball drops while the curtain rises for JanArtsNYC, a month-long annual celebration of the performing arts around the globe. Performing arts enthusiasts, advocates, artists and fans can expect a flurry of eventful activity in the City throughout the month. A kaleidoscope of industry conferences, forums, music concerts, public festivals, salutes, retrospectives and award [...]
Streaming Operas for the Digital World
7 years ago

Streaming Operas for the Digital World

Streaming Operas is the feature this weekend to celebrate the end of National Opera Week. October 27th thru November 5th is the designated Opera Week, where this performing arts genre showcases its diverse industry and connects with both new and existing audiences through engaging activities and concentrated messaging. The digital world continues to disrupt and [...]