Hope Springs Eternal
Spring blooms may be admired at a social distance today but they are signs of hope. Flowers are popping up all over as we enter the first official day of the season. Outdoor walks are essential during this time of social distancing, stay-at-home and self-quarantine mandates due to the corona virus pandemic.

Signs of Spring are ever present and remind us of the beauty all around us. The birds are returning from their winter homes, flower buds are beginning to or have already sprouted and the days are getting longer. There are plenty of visual signs to get us Socially Sparked® at a social distance. Life goes on and so do we.

Birds are chirping and enjoying the beginning of Spring. It’s always a happy time of the year. I choose to enjoy the simple pleasures, be smart, remain positive and always Socially Sparked. I hope you do, too.

The Corona Virus may have temporarily taken away they way we live our lives outside of our homes but, it cannot take away our hopes and dreams. There is life and beauty everywhere. We can observe the Spring blooms at a social distance. Remain strong and together we shall overcome this pandemic. Abbe is #SociallySparked — Tweet us @sosparkednews & @asparks01