
social distancing

July Sparks Celebrations for Independence Days, Human Rights, Reggae +
5 years ago

July Sparks Celebrations for Independence Days, Human Rights, Reggae +

July Sparks celebrations for Independence Days in countries of Canada, United States of America and France; Reggae Day in Jamaica and Nelson Mandela Day worldwide. It’s usually the month of Fireworks, Parades, Music, Festivals and Picnics. Many of these events are going virtual due to the global pandemic. Still plenty to be happy about and [...]
Patriotism’s Finest 4 Covid Heroes Finest
5 years ago

Patriotism’s Finest 4 Covid Heroes Finest

Patriotism's finest for Covid-19's finest frontline heroes soared above the skies of New York City, Trenton, NJ and Philadelphia on Tuesday as part of Operation America Strong Salute. The U.S. Navy's Blue Angeles and the U.S. Air Force's Thunderbirds elite collaborated in a fly over saluting the healthcare workers, first responders and essential employee workers [...]
Be Smart Earlier Than Later During COVID-19
5 years ago

Be Smart Earlier Than Later During COVID-19

Wise advice on how to best combat the corona virus pandemic from Governor Andrew Cuomo. Be smart earlier than later is the interpreted Socially Sparked quote of the week.
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Spring Blooms at a Social Distance
5 years ago

Spring Blooms at a Social Distance

By  •  Advocacy
Spring blooms may be admired at a social distance today but they are signs of hope. Flowers are popping up all over as we enter the first official day of the season. Outdoor walks are essential during this time of social distancing, stay-at-home and self-quarantine mandates due to the corona virus pandemic. Signs of Spring [...]