
Abbe Sparks

Music Community Comes Out to Save NYC Stages & Live Entertainment
4 years ago

Music Community Comes Out to Save NYC Stages & Live Entertainment

The New York City (NYC) music community came out Sunday morning to pose in solidarity to save our independent venues and live entertainment with the support of the newly-formed New York Independent Venues Association (NYIVA). NY photographer Arnie Goodman and digital media diva Abbe Sparks organized the impromptu Save Our NYC Stages Photo Event to [...]
Shelter in Place & Poetry for NYC
4 years ago

Shelter in Place & Poetry for NYC

A poem for NYC during lockdown by our Founder, Abbe Sparks & to celebrate Poetry Month with #ShelterinPoetry
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Bravo Publicists Everywhere: National Publicists Day
7 years ago

Bravo Publicists Everywhere: National Publicists Day

Bravo to Publicists everywhere for its National Publicist Day. A rare occasion that honors the usually behind-the-scenes celebrity-makers, brand-makers, influencers and the like. Let’s hear it for Publicists everywhere. What is a publicist, you say? Publicist (def): A publicist is a person whose job it is to generate and manage publicity for a company, brand, [...]