La Fête de la Musique, aka Music Day, Make Music Day or World Music Day, celebrates its 40th anniversary around the world from Paris to New York City on the summer solstice. The annual music celebration takes place on June 21st. It's a festive time where citizens and residents are urged to play music outside [...]
The third time’s a charm for France Rocks NYC, a summer music festival that brings the best of French produced music to NYC. The third annual France Rocks Summerfest kicks-off this weekend in New York City and runs through July 5. France Rocks founder Michele Amar tells us what to expect and how the music [...]
Swing and soul music are expected to electrify France Rocks Summerfest finale shows. The month-long music festival began in New York City June 1st and will end next week on … Read More
Bad Ass Blind Music Man Raul Midon. Photo by: Blair Allen. The Spotlight shines bright on bad ass blind music man Raul Midón these days. Blind at birth, the singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist is the first to describe himself as such. But, it wasn’t always this way. Recently, we caught up with Midón to get the [...]