
frontline workers

Salute World Day to End Human Trafficking in Persons
5 years ago

Salute World Day to End Human Trafficking in Persons

By  •  Advocacy
Today is World Day to End Human Trafficking in Persons and the messages turn solely digital. Events commemorating the day will be seen via livestream and the important campaign messages will take to the social networks. First Responders Are Essential to the Fight to End Human Trafficking The 2020 Theme is "Committed to the Cause: [...]
Saluting The Heroes Who Socially Sparked Our Lives
5 years ago

Saluting The Heroes Who Socially Sparked Our Lives

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY 2020 Saluting the Heroes on this Memorial Day 2020 that Socially Sparked® our lives. We live in unprecedented times that have taken on unprecedented heroic measures. Today we honor America's servicemen and servicewomen as well as our frontline and essential workers. Memorial Day 2020 will forever have an expanded meaning of the [...]