
Girl Power

International Day of the Girl Sparks Future Change-Makers
4 years ago

International Day of the Girl Sparks Future Change-Makers

By  •  Advocacy
This year's International Day of the Girl sparks empowering girls as change-makers for a better world. The theme for 2020 is "My Voice, Our Equal Future" which reimagines a better world inspired and led by adolescent girls, as part of the global Generation Equality movement. International Day of the Girl 2020 There are 1.1 billion [...]
She’s an American Girl Now
5 years ago

She’s an American Girl Now

First cousins: 22-year-old cousin #2 and five-year-old cousin #1 are American Girl's Now & Forever. She's an American Girl Now is the story of two first cousins ages eight and 25 years old who proudly shared their American Girl Doll (AGD) experience with Socially Sparked News. in 2016. Today, they are still joined at the hip [...]
Celebrate The International Day of the Girl
8 years ago

Celebrate The International Day of the Girl

By  •  Advocacy

Today we celebrate The International Day of The Girl. Did you know that there are 1.1 billion girls today that could be our future leaders and activists of tomorrow? For …
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