
National Volunteer Week

Good Deeds Day Sparks National Volunteer Week
2 years ago

Good Deeds Day Sparks National Volunteer Week

By  •  Advocacy
Good Deeds Day sparks Volunteer Week April 16th thru April 22nd. The global celebration unites people from more than 100 countries to do good deeds for the benefit of others and the planet. Hundreds of thousands plan to participate in the Day on April 16th in support of Global Changemakers by doing something good to [...]
Golden Giving & Gildie-Centric Philanthropists
8 years ago

Golden Giving & Gildie-Centric Philanthropists

Gilda's Club NYC Associate Board are golden, giving & Gildie-Centric emerging philanthropists Golden, giving and Gildie-centric is the best way to describe the emerging philanthropists who comprise the Associate Board of Gilda’s Club NYC. (GCNYC). I can’t think of a better example of volunteers to highlight in honor of National Volunteer Week. Gilda Radner Gilda’s [...]