
racial equality

Mandela Day Calls for Action Now to Inspire Change
2 years ago

Mandela Day Calls for Action Now to Inspire Change

By  •  Advocacy
Nelson Mandela Day calls for a global call to action to inspire change. The new era holds much promise for positive change after a stall in action these past few years due to the pandemic. The 13th annual Nelson Mandela International Day will address global warming and sustainability with the United Nations campaign ActNow. MANDELA [...]
Coming Together for Juneteenth the Federal Holiday
3 years ago

Coming Together for Juneteenth the Federal Holiday

America is coming together to let freedom ring for Juneteenth 2022. Now a federal holiday with an exclamation point, we take a look at the progress made two years after the pandemic began and the 2020 events that triggered action and change from tragedy -- a nation Socially Sparked® ! The Newest Federal Holiday The [...]
Mandela Day Sparks Global Call to Action
5 years ago

Mandela Day Sparks Global Call to Action

By  •  Advocacy
Nelson Mandela Day sparks a global call to action to inspire change. The global pandemic and the national lockdown have heightened decades of inequality and created a resurgence in the Black Lives Matter movement. The new era holds much promise for positive change. The 10th annual Nelson Mandela International Day will address this resurgence in [...]
Rebirth of the Civil Rights Movement in 2020
5 years ago

Rebirth of the Civil Rights Movement in 2020

The rebirth of the civil rights movement has found its unified spark in the wake of the tragic and brutal killing of George Floyd. The country and the world are rising up as one voice in an unprecedented manner in these unprecedented times. New York City Protest. Photo credit: Jacquelyn Sparks In the week since George [...]
Celebrating The King in The New Decade
5 years ago

Celebrating The King in The New Decade

Celebrating the King in the new decade to commemorate a hero of social justice takes on an urgency and a renewed energy in 2020. Today the world celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 52 years after his violent assassination at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, TN. REWIND TO MLK50 Courtesy of the [...]
Marching for The King 50 Years Later: MLK50
7 years ago

Marching for The King 50 Years Later: MLK50

Marching for the King 50 years later to commemorate a hero of social justice takes on new meaning and energy in 2018. Today the world celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 50 years after his violent assassination at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, TN. Nearly 100,000 people across the globe will be [...]