
socially sparked moments 2017

Zombies Jim Rodford Music Odessey: Tales of a Daddy
2 years ago

Zombies Jim Rodford Music Odessey: Tales of a Daddy

This Father's Day we share one of our most beloved feature interviews with one of the world's most beloved musicians and a family's beloved dad -- gone too soon -- Jim Rodford, Bassist. This interview with Abbe Sparks turned out to be one of his last and is now included in the book "Jim Rodford [...]
She’s an American Girl Now
5 years ago

She’s an American Girl Now

First cousins: 22-year-old cousin #2 and five-year-old cousin #1 are American Girl's Now & Forever. She's an American Girl Now is the story of two first cousins ages eight and 25 years old who proudly shared their American Girl Doll (AGD) experience with Socially Sparked News. in 2016. Today, they are still joined at the hip [...]
Community Rocks to Combat Opioid Addiction
7 years ago

Community Rocks to Combat Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction is at an all time high so the Massachusetts community and over 20 Music Legends banned together Wednesday night to raise awareness of and funds for opioid addiction, treatment and recovery programs in the heavily impacted town of Cape Cod. Substance abuse and death by overdose is at epidemic proportions throughout the United [...]