
women in music

Cassandra Kubinski Soars as a Pop Artist with a Purpose
5 years ago

Cassandra Kubinski Soars as a Pop Artist with a Purpose

To say that millennial Cassandra Kubinski is a pop artist with a purpose is the  understatement of the year. She is a multi-talented artist, actress, singer-songwriter, vocalist, philanthropist, activist and board member who has already Socially Sparked® our lives. Cassandra is most definitely a next generation leader. A percentage of the sales of this song [...]
Music’s Political and Social Impact
5 years ago

Music’s Political and Social Impact

Music’s political and social impact penetrates loudly today as it has in years past. Recent conversations coming out of this month's Mondo.NYC music and tech conference echo this philosophy at heightened decimal levels. "Music has the ability to shape perceptions among what is visible, thinkable and understandable," -- Rev. Al Sharpton MUSIC & POLITICS: A [...]
Trailblazing Working Musician Mamas Inspire Women
8 years ago

Trailblazing Working Musician Mamas Inspire Women

Allison Russell with daughter Ida Mauve on stage with Birds of Chicago Trailblazing Working Musician Mamas Inspire Women That They Can Do it All! They are forging the path for their fellow female artists contemplating touring with their infants and children. March is Women's History Month and this year’s theme honors Trailblazing Women in Labor [...]