Never Forget: Lesson Learned from 9/11 Tragedy
This week’s inspirational quote of the week stems from the 9/11 terrorist attack on America and the life lesson learned from that horrific day. This is one tragedy Americans will never forget and reminds us that life is short Nineteen years later we must sadly add COVID-19 to this list as a terrorist attack on the nation like no other in world history. Labor Day is a time to remember our workers and heroes, and the upcoming 9/11 attacks.

“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.” — Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in 2002

September 11 Memorial & Museum
The September 11 Memorial & Museum will reopen September 12th with new health and safety measures in place and ongoing operational changes to ensure a safe Museum experience.
The Museum tells the story of 9/11 through artifacts, imagery, personal stories, and interactive technology. Learn about the core exhibitions, special exhibitions, and rotating displays in the Museum’s 110,000 square feet of space.

We will NEVER FORGET the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 nor the thousands of lives lost, nor the heroes of 9/11. The new decade throws another terrorist attack on our country and the world in the form of an invisible enemy — COVID-19. The pandemic continues to attack human lives with the current number of deaths at () nationally. Life is too short and we must remember the 9/11 lesson learned from that fateful day. There is no time for hate — especially now! — Abbe is Socially Sparked®. — Tweet us @sosparkednews & @asparks01
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