NYC Off-Broadway Week Fall 2019 begins September 23. Also known as ‘2-For-1 Tickets,’OBWF runs from September 23rd thru October 6th, Theatre lovers, New Yorkers and visitors alike can seize the opportunity to take in an Off-Broadway show for a steal — at two-for-one tickets (2-For-1)!

NYC Off Broadway Week Begins

The bi-annual Promotion offers more than 30 unique Off-Broadway productions that include critics’ picks, musical revivals, celebrities, family-friendly themes, long-running classics and more. Two-for-one tickets are available now at Hurry up and take advantage as they sell out quickly.

NYC Off-Broadway week begins

The 33 Shows Participating in NYC Off-Broadway Week Fall 2019 begins range from what you call straight plays (dramas, non-musicals) to revivals to new productions, to kid-friendly to Pulitzer Prize recipients.  A few favorites included are:

· Alice in Wonderland (kid-friendly)

· Blue Man Group (kid-friendly)

· Drunk Shakespeare (performance)

· Fern Hill (play)

· Gazillion Bubble Show (kid-friendly performance)

· Jersey Boys (musical)]

All participating shows are subject to availability. Blackout dates may apply.

Following the recent Broadway Week Promotion, NYC Off-Broadway Week Fall 2019  is also produced by NYC & Company in partnership with The Off-Broadway League. Since 2009, over 600 Off-Broadway productions have participated in NYC Off-Broadway Week, of which over 85,000 tickets have been sold. Keep tuned for other NYC themed weeks like Restaurant Week.

NYC Off-Broadway week begins


Book Early

Go with a Group – remember, it’s 2 for 1 which translates to 50% off a ticket, Minimun imited to 2 tickets

Know thy NYC Neighborhood –off -broadway shows these days are scattered throughout Manhattan – not just  downtown, so doube check before booking.

Guaranteed to be Socially Sparked®, we highly recommend that regular theatergoers local and visiting, and new audiences come out to discover all that Off-Broadway has to offer! That’s Entertainment. — We are forever Socially Sparked! Tweet @sosparkednews