Celebrate World Water Day and Brain Injury Awareness Day on March 22, 2017. Both causes designate this day annually.

World Water Day is March 22nd
In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly designated March 22nd as annual World Water Day. It’s about taking action to tackle the water crisis. This year’s theme is WasteWater. Did you know that 1.8 billion people in the world drink water that is contaminated? This puts them at risk for all sorts of diseases as cholera, dysentary, typhoid and polio. World Water day is coordinated by UN-Water in collaboration with governments and partners.
March is host to Brain Injury Awareness Month which annually devotes March 4th as Brain Injury Awareness Day to amplifying visibility. It’s the one day dedicated to educating our elected officials about brain injury and how vital federal funding is to continue Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) programs at the Federal and State government levels and the Centers for Disease Control as well as for research.
March brings a host of awareness to many wonderful causes as previously reported in Socially Sparked News. To learn more visit us at March Awareness:
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