Hope springs anew for saving net neutrality. In an historic 52-47 vote, the Senate endorsed a resolution to overturn last December’s FCC Ruling to repeal net neutrality regulations of 2015. Yesterday’s surprising Senate vote sends a loud message that the issue is far from over.
For months since the FCC’s decision, advocates for a free and open internet have been working to call on Congress to vote for the Congressional Review Act *CRA) resolution proposed by Senator Ed Markey (Democrat, Massachusetts), a champion for a free internet. The CRA allows Congress to overrule decisions made by federal agencies like the FCC.
“Today the Senate took the most important vote on the internet in its history and the American people won. This vote is to keep net neutrality on the books and it is a major victory … for every family in America. It is a victory for our economy, it is a victory for our democracy.” – Senator Ed Markey, Democrat, Massachusetts
As previously reported in Socially Sparked News last December, “it’s not over til the fat lady sings.” While there is a short window of time to keep the internet free and open, there is a fast and furious effort by internet advocates across party lines to make the deadline and stop the FCC new regulations from becoming active June 11th.
The House of Representatives will try to force a similar vote led by U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle, a Pennsylvania Democrat who offered a companion version of Markey’s resolution in the House. He is working to bring the issue of net neutrality up for consideration, with plans to offer a discharge petition which will be open for signatures to force a floor vote.
The effort to keep net neutrality protections faces a tougher challenge in the House as a majority is required, which is more difficult since Democrats only hold 193 of the 218 seats.
Senator Markey certainly thinks the issue of a free and open internet will be ever-present in the upcoming mid-term 2018 elections. According to news reports, the Senator is quoted as saying that every candidate will now be asked whether they support net neutrality? And, history proves that in order to win the vote you must give the American people – their constituents — what they want or, at least what they want to hear. Clearly – the American people want a free and open internet (83% of Americans to be exact).
According to Battle For The Net, the FCC’s repeal has sparked an unprecedented backlash of constituents who have been and continue to call on lawmakers to stop the FCC and save net neutrality. The statistics are astounding, and these numbers are only those known by the organization and their partners.
-16,345,412 emails sent to Congress
-1,577,574 phone calls made to Congress
-537,408 messages sent to Congress via Text
-8,161 websites sounding the alarm
-6,131 Businesses supporting the CRA
the internet has Socially Sparked our lives in countless ways. It is one of the most remarkable, technological and innovative developments of our time and should remain free and open to all. — Abbe is Socially Sparked! — Tweet @sosparkednews & @asparks01