“Billy never idles, Billy never idles” chants legendary Rocker Billy Idol, who lends his name to NYC in a new campaign to prevent air pollution. NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Idol announced the “The War on Idling” campaign at a rally in front of City Hall this week. The environmental initiative will run throughout the month of March with the goal of encouraging drivers to shut off their engine when they’re not driving.

In an effort to reduce air pollution in New York City, British Rock Legend Billy Idol has partnered with the city in a month-long campaign to tell New Yorkers to ‘shut it off’. Complete with IdolNeverIdles swag, posters, social media tools and a video, the initiative also provides a monetary incentive for residents. Report an idler and reap a portion of the fine! This $1 million campaign also includes 12 high-profile billboard locations, gas station TV, radio and social media ads, as well as LinkNYC and TaxiTV exposure and placement on City fleet vehicles.

- Idling in NYC has been prohibited since 1972!
- NYC has the longest ongoing air quality monitoring program of any US City. Check out the NYC Community Air Survey.
- Air quality has improved dramatically in NYC but there’s still work to do.
- Pollutants from exhaust worsen asthma, increase the risk of heart disease/stroke, and cause premature death.
- There is no idling permitted for more than 3 minutes! Exceptions: emergency vehicles or vehicles operating necessary machinery.
- There is no idling permitted for more than 1 minute around a public or private school.

What can I say. You always can expect the unexpected in New York City. If using British rocker Billy Idol can help reduce air pollution in the big Apple, than who are we to question the randomness of it all. Time will tell if this campaign has Socially Sparked® New Yorkers lives. Kudos to the city for going out of the box for positive social change and to Billy Idol for putting his celebrity to this important cause! — Abbe is #SociallySparked. Tweet @sosparkednews & @asparks01.