Spotlight Artist Eliot Lewis shares his top Socially Sparked® moments of 2017. Throughout December, we revisit our Spotlight Artists and ask them to share what Socially Sparked® their lives this year.

Multi-instrumentalist Eliot Lewis was Born to Rock. A member of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees Daryl Hall and John Oates band, an original featured fixture on MTV’s Live from Daryl’s House, plus a booming solo career in between — the busy rock star has no signs of slowing down. As a Socially Sparked Spotlight Artist — Live From Mom’s House, Eliot Lewis Born to Rock — Eliot took five from the road to chat on life at mom’s house and her influence on his career.

2017 was a banner year for Eliot Lewis. A new CD Adventure (released this year), touring with Hall and Oates, his own solo gigs in between plus MTV’s Live from Daryl’s House. Here’s the multi-talented rocker’s Socially Sparked Top Three.
2017 brought many inspiring things in my musical career. Touring with Daryl Hall & John Oates and the amazing band is a dream come true. I’m also so grateful for the support they give me in my solo career. Being able to perform at an arena for 15,000 people one night and then play a small intimate venue the next night as a solo artist means so much to me.
One of the most touching things to ever happen was when a fan told me that her young daughter was extremely ill and she sang my song Determination to her over and over until she got well. That really blew my mind and reconfirmed the power that music has.
This year also saw some very turbulent moments caused by our political system.
I’m saddened by some of the division it has caused, but inspired by the awakening it has brought. I was inspired enough to write a song about it.

Socially Sparked News would like to thank Eliot Lewis for taking time from his busy schedule to share his top Socially Sparked moments with us. We congratulate him on his incredibly successful year and wish him the best of luck in 2018. We are all forever Socially Sparked! #sociallysparked Tweet @sosparkednews & @asparks01
Eliot Lewis’ cd Adventure is available on his website, and at digital outlets everywhere. The song Determination referenced in this feature is off of his cd Live and Up Front.