

Try a Little Kindness: Random Acts of Kindness Week
3 years ago

Try a Little Kindness: Random Acts of Kindness Week

By  •  Advocacy
Try a little kindness: it's Random Acts of Kindness Week (RAK WEEK). Everyone can always use a bit of uplifting, especially with so much ugliness in our world. We can't think of a better way to be Socially Sparked® than to cease the DAY! Did you know that being kind or nice to another is [...]
Spark Someone’s Life with Kindness Today
7 years ago

Spark Someone’s Life with Kindness Today

Spark someone's life with kindness today for World Kindness Day. While kindness to others should be an everyday gesture, one November day is designated around the globe to perform an act of kindness annually. WORLD KINDNESS DAY is November 13th World Kindness Day is observed annually; this year on November 13th. The World Kindness Movement [...]