World Radio Day celebrates diversity in sports radio for 2018 with the theme: Radio & Sports. The annual Day is observed every February 13th. Radio has Socially Sparked® our lives around the world in many ways. It is a powerful communication medium that unites, engages and affects positive change and remains steadfast as it continues to evolve with the technological times.

This year’s annual event celebrates the traditional sports that connect us to our cultural heritage, the grassroots sports that anchor us within our communities, and the inspiring Socially Sparked stories that challenge gender stereotypes and covers, equally, both men’s and woman’s sports events.

world radio day celebrates diversity in sports radio


Radio reaches the widest audience in the world including remote communities and vulnerable people — the illiterate, the disabled, women, youth and the poor. Keeping up with the 21st century – radio has proven that it can stand the test of time – by adapting and adding the newest forms of technology — broadband, mobile and tablets. As a key communicator, it is one of, if not, THE most powerful and effective way to provide important and emergency information and news — during times of war, weather disasters, public health epidemics, and more.


This year’s Radio and Sports Theme calls on all radio stations around the world to showcase the beauty of sports in all of its diversity.

According to the 2015 Global Media Monitoring Report:

    -Only 4% of the stories on sports, events, players, facilities, training and funding had women as a central focus

    -Only 7% of sports people in the media were women

    -Only 4% of the stories on sports, events, players, facilities, training and funding had women as a central focus


    -64% think sports are likely to inspire positive change compared to:

    –39% for politics

    –28% for religion

    -51% think its important that sports teams support local communities

*The Future of the Sports Fan – Performance communication and CANVAS8 – UK The Future

2018 is a year of momentous sporting events that have the ability to unite the hearts and minds of people everywhere. The Winter Olympic Games 2018 is a prime example. Happy World Radio Day! — Abbe is Socially Sparked!
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