

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Sparks Americans
4 years ago

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Sparks Americans

By  •  Advocacy
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day sparks Americans with the annual observance of the lives lost in the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Today Americans across the country honor and remember the 2,403 service members and civilians killed in the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor 78 years ago. President Bill Clinton declared [...]
Can a Smile Soothe a Nation’s Angst?
4 years ago

Can a Smile Soothe a Nation’s Angst?

Can a smile soothe the nation's angst on social issues? Our Quote of the Week is from the late actress and comedienne Phyllis Diller ((July 17, 1917 – August 20, 2012). The escalating gun violence, looting and bent-up anger around the country desperately needs an outlet.  Laughter and a smile is a good place to [...]