Spread the Joy and Change the World with a Smile
The top 10 reasons to smile need repeating. Originally posted during the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, we update and share with you here. May 31st is National Smile Day and the kick-off to June’s annual National Smile Month campaign. We all deserve to wear a smile, especially after the last few years of the pandemic, gun violence escalation, an increase in racism, and now the war in Ukraine.

“Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth.” — Anonymous

This anonymous quote is the opening to the book “Smile For A Change” penned by Guy Bavli, international mentalist, speaker and performer. Guy’s dream is “Project Smile”, where if he could change the world for just one day it would be a day when everyone smiled. He is a firm believer that a smile can have a positive change in the world and in your life. This book is sheer happiness wrapped in 168 pages!
The Socially Sparked Top 10 List of Reasons to Smile

Smile and you can change the world and remain Socially Sparked! Everyone can wrap their minds around this concept. Given the state of the world and closer to home, the nation, a smile can do wonders for us all. Happy National Smile Day. Abbe is Forever #SociallySparked — Tweet us @sosparkednews & @asparks01