

Rebirth of the Civil Rights Movement in 2020
5 years ago

Rebirth of the Civil Rights Movement in 2020

The rebirth of the civil rights movement has found its unified spark in the wake of the tragic and brutal killing of George Floyd. The country and the world are rising up as one voice in an unprecedented manner in these unprecedented times. New York City Protest. Photo credit: Jacquelyn Sparks In the week since George [...]
“Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes” – So Sparked Quote of the Week
8 years ago

“Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes” – So Sparked Quote of the Week

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes by Grammy Award-winner David Bowie is the So Sparked Quote of the Week. Given the state of affairs of our country this weekend, David Bowie's classic song Changes is a fitting testament to our times today. NYC Women's March, 400,000 Women, Men & Childen Strong. Over 3 million participated across the globe. Yesterday's historical Women's [...]