
internet shopping

Nostalgic Power and Toys ‘R Us’ Return
5 years ago

Nostalgic Power and Toys ‘R Us’ Return

Nostalgic power and Toys R Us' return to glory. Yes, it's true. The toy retailer officially opened it's first brick and mortar store last week in New Jersey, with more on the way. Houston is slated next. It was only last year that we bid adieu to the ‘80s iconic toy store. You heard it [...]
Adieu Toys ‘R Us: Iconic 80s Store Closing
7 years ago

Adieu Toys ‘R Us: Iconic 80s Store Closing

Adieu Toys R Us: the ‘80s iconic store is closing its toy box to the world forever -- at least for now. The retail chain and its beloved mascot – Geoffrey Giraffe have Socially Sparked® the lives of millions of children of the '80s and '90s. While this news is bittersweet for every child that [...]