

Cassandra Kubinski Soars as a Pop Artist with a Purpose
5 years ago

Cassandra Kubinski Soars as a Pop Artist with a Purpose

To say that millennial Cassandra Kubinski is a pop artist with a purpose is the  understatement of the year. She is a multi-talented artist, actress, singer-songwriter, vocalist, philanthropist, activist and board member who has already Socially Sparked® our lives. Cassandra is most definitely a next generation leader. A percentage of the sales of this song [...]
Spotlight Shines on Bad Ass Blind Music Man Raul Midon
8 years ago

Spotlight Shines on Bad Ass Blind Music Man Raul Midon

Bad Ass Blind Music Man Raul Midon. Photo by: Blair Allen. The Spotlight shines bright on bad ass blind music man Raul Midón these days. Blind at birth, the singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist is the first to describe himself as such. But, it wasn’t always this way. Recently, we caught up with Midón to get the [...]