

Advocacy – Socially Sparked® is all things advocacy / activism that Socially Sparked® our lives plus activism at its best for social change. Awareness campaigns, non-profit organizations, causes, social justice, social, arts and health and wellness issues. Advocacy / Activism Socially Sparked!

June Takes Aim at Gun Violence, the Environment, Summerfests & More
2 months ago

June Takes Aim at Gun Violence, the Environment, Summerfests & More

By  •  Advocacy

June Takes Aim at Gun Violence, the Environment, Summerfests and more worthwhile causes and fun events. It is the month to celebrate the official onset of Summer, Fathers, and festivals …
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May Sprouts Awareness for Skin Cancer, Mental Health, Mothers & More
3 months ago

May Sprouts Awareness for Skin Cancer, Mental Health, Mothers & More

By  •  Advocacy

May sprouts awareness for a host of worthwhile causes that include skin cancer, mental health and arthritis. It is also the month to celebrate Nurses, Bike and Motorcycle Riding, and …
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4 months ago


By  •  Advocacy
April sparks spotlight poetry, jazz, alcoholism, autism and many more social justice, health and arts awareness initiatives. Sparks also electrify awareness for the environment, sexual assault, child abuse and distracted driving. Designated days include Earth Day, World Health Day and Walking Day, to name just a few. Here’s a topline of April’s finest. NATIONAL POETRY [...]
Level the Paying Field for Equal Pay Day
5 months ago

Level the Paying Field for Equal Pay Day

By  •  Advocacy

Equal Pay Day is March 14 in 2023. Women still have a ways to go before reaching a level “paying” field. While we can chalk some of the minimal gains over the last five years to the pandemic, that’s a small contributing factor here.
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‘Tis the Season to Get Shopping
8 months ago

‘Tis the Season to Get Shopping

'Tis the season to get shopping. Thanksgiving marks the start of the shopping and giving season with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday. It's the ideal time to get Socially Sparked® for the holidays. SOCIALLY SPARKED SHOPPING DAYS BLACK FRIDAY kicks it all off with deals at every retail store large [...]
November Sparks Hope for the Giving Month
9 months ago

November Sparks Hope for the Giving Month

By  •  Advocacy

November is the giving month and ignites hope for change and awareness for many important causes. Giving thanks, giving kindness and giving aid become uber important this month as the …
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Recovery and Suicide Prevention Top the September Sparks
11 months ago

Recovery and Suicide Prevention Top the September Sparks

By  •  Advocacy
Recovery and suicide prevention top the September sparks this year. It's also the month to raise awareness for food safety, cancer and many more important health and social initiatives. The return to fall starts an active calendar of monthly and weekly campaigns designed to make an impact for progress, prevention and finding cures. Topping our [...]
In 2023 Women Still Must Roar for Equality
11 months ago

In 2023 Women Still Must Roar for Equality

By  •  Advocacy
In 2023 women still must roar for equality. Today, August 26th is the annual Women's Equality Day. I repeat. Today is the annual Women's Equality Day marking how the 19th Amendment Socially Sparked® our lives, especially women. Yet, while it is 2023, women still must roar for their right to choose. Women still must roar [...]
The World Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Humanitarian Day
11 months ago

The World Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Humanitarian Day

The world celebrates the 20th anniversary of World Humanitarian Day by paying tribute to colleagues who have lost their lives in humanitarian service and to honor the thousands of aid workers who continue to provide much needed support to people suffering from conflicts or disasters across the world. Twenty years ago, on August 19, 2003, [...]
Mandela Day Calls for Action Now to Inspire Change
1 year ago

Mandela Day Calls for Action Now to Inspire Change

By  •  Advocacy
Nelson Mandela Day calls for a global call to action to inspire change. The new era holds much promise for positive change after a stall in action these past few years due to the pandemic. The 13th annual Nelson Mandela International Day will address global warming and sustainability with the United Nations campaign ActNow. MANDELA [...]
Summertime and Sun Safety Spark Ultimate Fun
1 year ago

Summertime and Sun Safety Spark Ultimate Fun

By  •  Advocacy
Summertime and sun safety spark the ultimate summer fun. The sunny season calls for enjoying the outdoors, sunbathing, water sports, beach and pool visits and more. It's also the time to safeguard against the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays to protect our skin. July is National UV Awareness Month. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage [...]
Jazz Day Showcases Power of Music with Global Concert
1 year ago

Jazz Day Showcases Power of Music with Global Concert

International Jazz Day will close out April by showcasing music’s power to inspire, heal and unite for peace with its annual global concert led by UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and …
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Earth Day 2023 Sparks for a Green Future
1 year ago

Earth Day 2023 Sparks for a Green Future

By  •  Advocacy
Earth Day 2023 sparks for a green future with the theme "Invest in Our Planet." Now in it's 53rd year, the designated day annually brings awareness to and sparks action for resolving the climate crisis. The 2023 theme for Earth Day is "Invest in Our Planet" The theme "Invest in Our Planet" begs the question [...]
Good Deeds Day Sparks National Volunteer Week
1 year ago

Good Deeds Day Sparks National Volunteer Week

By  •  Advocacy
Good Deeds Day sparks Volunteer Week April 16th thru April 22nd. The global celebration unites people from more than 100 countries to do good deeds for the benefit of others and the planet. Hundreds of thousands plan to participate in the Day on April 16th in support of Global Changemakers by doing something good to [...]
Let’s Move for National Walking Day
1 year ago

Let’s Move for National Walking Day

By  •  Advocacy

Let’s move for National Walking Day, held annually the first Wednesday in April. The American Heart Association sponsors this movement as part of April’s Physical Activity Month.

Whether exercise is …
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March Sparks for Women, Music Education, Brain Injury +
1 year ago

March Sparks for Women, Music Education, Brain Injury +

March sparks ignite for Women’s History, Music Education, Brain Injury, Nutrition and a host of other important health, education and social causes this month.

March sparks for women. Top: Toni Morrison, Maxine Hong Kingston, Jovita Idar, Maya Angelou Middle: Gerda Lerner, Gloria Steinem, Winona La Duke, Lillian Hellman Bottom: Betty Soskin, Willa Cather, Gertrude Stein, Marjory Stoneman Douglas
March sparks for Women's History Month


Women’s History Month celebrates women and their accomplishments. Their tagline is “our history is our strength.” This year’s theme: “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.”

Throughout 2023, the National Women’s History Alliance (NWHA) will encourage recognition of women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, and more. The timely theme honors women in every community who have devoted their lives and talents to producing art, pursuing truth, and reflecting the human condition decade after decade.

The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.

March sparks for women

While the concept began in the 1970s, it wasn’t until 1980 when President Jimmy Carter declared a proclamation. By 1987, the advocacy efforts came to fruition when Congress declared March as National Women’s History Month in perpetuity. A special Presidential Proclamation is issued every year which honors the extraordinary achievements of American women.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: March 8th is the annual INTERNATIONAL WOMAN’S DAY — A global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Socially Sparked News will have more details on the upcoming March 8th events leading up to the Day, so stay tuned.

March sparks for Music in Our Schools Month®
March is Music in Our Schools Month®


Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM®) is the annual celebration during March which engages music educators, students and communities from around the country in promoting the benefits of high quality music education programs in schools. This year’s theme is “Music is All of Us.”

This Socially Sparked® theme seems very appropriate as music is what has helped many of us through the pandemic. More importantly, music has helped students, school, and community. And, music will continue to be the thing that gets us all through the days ahead.  MIOSM is organized by National Association for Music Education (NAFME), among the world’s largest arts education organizations and the only association that addresses all aspects of music education.

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October Sparks Spotlight Domestic Violence, Bullying Prevention and More
2 years ago

October Sparks Spotlight Domestic Violence, Bullying Prevention and More

By  •  Advocacy
Halloween and most all events will go on in person this October! October sparks awareness for Domestic Violence, Bullying Prevention, Drug Safety Education, Breast Cancer and many other important health and social issues that plague our society. It's also the time for Fall fun activities as apple and pumpkin picking and trick or treating for [...]
It’s 2022 Yet Women Still Must Roar for Equality
2 years ago

It’s 2022 Yet Women Still Must Roar for Equality

By  •  Advocacy
It's 2022 yet women still must roar for equality. Moreover, women still must roar for their right to choose. Women still must roar to make decisions about their own body and if and when they choose to reproduce. A CENTURY LATER, WOMEN MUST ROAR LOUDER for EQUALITY! A LITTLE BIT LOUDER NOW! The hit song [...]
Global Citizen Festival Readies for 10th Year in Central Park
2 years ago

Global Citizen Festival Readies for 10th Year in Central Park

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Global Citizen Festival in New York City’s iconic Central Park to end extreme poverty NOW. Global Citizen Festival NYC is set for 10th year Each year Global Citizen calls on world leaders, corporations, and philanthropists to help End Extreme Poverty NOW. This year’s festival will have stages [...]