Net Neutrality Decision Day for FCC
Will net neutrality become a distant memory? Today is decision day for the FCC on whether they will repeal the net neutrality 2015 Open Internet Order and make free internet a thing of the past. What will this mean? Here’s a recap as previously reported by Socially Sparked News and digital technology veteran expert Marc Tayer.
“The idea that our short-lived free Internet access could quickly be taken away looms large right now.” – Abbe Sparks, Editor, Socially Sparked News
Net Neutrality is where consumers have equal and unrestricted access to the Internet and its services. The 2015 Open Internet Order ((Title II of Communications Act), allows for ‘Open Internet’. “No blocking” and “no throttling” of legal content and “no paid prioritization.”
Should the FCC repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order, it will eliminate free internet as we know it — dismantling current regulations that ensure equal access to the internet — and clear the way for companies to charge more and block access to some websites.
According to Socially Sparked News contributing Technology writer Marc Tayer, “On the one hand, the FCC has just reversed a 40-year-old ban limiting ownership of newspapers and TV/radio stations in the same market, while separately announcing plans to eliminate the Net Neutrality rules. On the other hand, the Justice Department has sued AT&T and Time Warner to prevent a vertical merger of two companies with no overlapping businesses.”
In our July 14th feature by contributing technology writer Marc Tayer, Net Neutrality Staying The Course, Marc outlines the net neutrality issue and offers a clear argument for maintaining the status quo. Here are highlights of what he had to say:
With industry consolidation increasing, limited competition amongst broadband ISPs, zero-rating services politically legitimized, and a strong investment climate, all signs point to staying the course with net neutrality. Let’s see how new services and competitors fare in this market environment.
“It would be a shame for the FCC to give up its strongest regulatory tool in the event that stronger competition does not emerge, enabling the powerful incumbents to further milk their dominant positions.” – Marc Tayer, digital/technology veteran & author Televisionaries
Whatever happens, there will likely be more legal challenges. Perhaps the Supreme Court will be the ultimate arbiter. Who knew that the Internet would be so complicated? – Abbe is Socially Sparked®! Tweet @sosparkednews & @asparks01
December 14, 2017
[…] to Socially Sparked News contributing writer, digital/technology veteran Marc Tayer, the Net Neutrality rules were working […]