
Socially Sparked News

Sparks Ignite February Awareness Causes with Love
2 years ago

Sparks Ignite February Awareness Causes with Love

By  •  Advocacy
FEBRUARY AWARENESS SPARKS Sparks ignite February awareness initiatives for many important health and social issues. It is the month for Love, Black History, Heart Disease, and Teen Dating Violence Awareness, to name a few. Holidays this month include Valentine's Day and President's Day. AWARENESS WEEKS this month bring us Burn Awareness Week (2/6-2/12); Random Acts [...]
International Day of the Girl Sparks Future Change-Makers
4 years ago

International Day of the Girl Sparks Future Change-Makers

By  •  Advocacy
This year's International Day of the Girl sparks empowering girls as change-makers for a better world. The theme for 2020 is "My Voice, Our Equal Future" which reimagines a better world inspired and led by adolescent girls, as part of the global Generation Equality movement. International Day of the Girl 2020 There are 1.1 billion [...]
Freedom of the Press Essential in 2020: World Press Freedom Day
4 years ago

Freedom of the Press Essential in 2020: World Press Freedom Day

Freedom of the press is more essential in 2020 than in any other recent time in our history. As we recognize May 3rd's World Press Freedom Day and it's crucial importance, our thoughts also go to those journalists whose lives were lost in the line of duty and/or due to COVID-19. A free and open [...]
4 years ago


Happy St. Patrick's Day. Celebrating at a social distance is the order of the day this year due to the global pandemic that is disrupting our lives. Parades around the world may be cancelled and bars and restaurants are closing by the day. So how do we celebrate the March holiday in 2020 and remain [...]
Fabulous February Sparks Awareness with Love
4 years ago

Fabulous February Sparks Awareness with Love

By  •  Advocacy
FABULOUS FEBRUARY AWARENESS Fabulous February sparks awareness initiatives for many important health and social issues. It is the month for Love, Black History, Heart Disease, Cancer and Teen Dating Violence Awareness, to name a few. Holidays this month include Valentines Day and President's Day. AWARENESS WEEKS this month bring us Burn Awareness Week (2/2-2/8); Random Acts [...]
The Socially Sparked Year in Pictures
5 years ago

The Socially Sparked Year in Pictures

The Socially Sparked® year in pictures returns with our annual round-up of all the people, places, events and causes that Socially Sparked® our world in 2019. SOCIALLY SPARKED NEWS brings you 'Real News that Sparks'. We spotlight the intersection of pop-culture and social change via the crossroads of advocacy / activism, entertainment, music and technology. [...]
Happy Holidays 2019 from our Sparks to Yours
5 years ago

Happy Holidays 2019 from our Sparks to Yours

Happy Holidays From Our Sparks To Yours

Happy Holidays from our Sparks to Yours. SOCIALLY SPARKED NEWS. is Real News that Sparks. We spotlight the intersection of pop-culture …
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Socially Sparked Moments of 2019
5 years ago

Socially Sparked Moments of 2019

Socially Sparked Moments of 2019 shine bright. It's our annual round-up where we ask our spotlight artists, organizations and causes to name the three ("3") top moments that Socially Sparked® their lives. Socially Sparked News would like to thank our spotlight artists, organizations and causes for taking time from their busy schedules to share their [...]
Have a Socially Sparked Thanksgiving Holiday
5 years ago

Have a Socially Sparked Thanksgiving Holiday

Have a Socially Sparked® Thanksgiving Holiday! We at Socially Sparked News are thankful to our readers who have Socially Sparked our world this year!

Thank you. We look forward …
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Recording Academy Reveals Grammy® Nominees
5 years ago

Recording Academy Reveals Grammy® Nominees

The Recording Academy® reveals Grammy nominees for the 62nd Grammy® Awards live on CBS This Morning. This year's nominees reflect a melting pot of artistic innovation that defined the year in music and have Socially Sparked® our lives. The big reveal starts the countdown to music's biggest night®.  Recording Academy President/CEO, Deborah Dugan, Academy Chair [...]
Throwback Thursday: Looking Back at Women’s March 2017
7 years ago

Throwback Thursday: Looking Back at Women’s March 2017

By  •  Advocacy
Throwback Thursday: we take a look back at The Women's March 2017. From its inaugural march last January -- to the Me Too Movement to the Times Up campaign -- what a difference one year makes. When Socially Sparked News first reported on last year's Women's March, we speculated if it would be a one-hit [...]
7 years ago


Spider Saloff reveals her top three Socially Sparked moments of 2017. Throughout December, we revisit our Spotlight Artists and ask them to share what Socially Sparked® their lives this year. 2017 Bistro Award-Winner Spider Saloff. (c) Socially Sparked News, LLC Modern jazz songstress, multiple award-winner and 2017 Bistro Award-winner Spider Saloff has been entertaining audiences [...]
FCC Shoots Down Net Neutrality Regulations
7 years ago

FCC Shoots Down Net Neutrality Regulations

The FCC shoots down net neutrality regulations today in a 3-2 vote. The vote comes despite the millions of letters, appeals and more from internet providers, users and businesses. But, 'it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.' The internet - one of the most remarkable, technological and innovative developments of our time – will [...]
Will Net Neutrality Become a Distant Memory?
7 years ago

Will Net Neutrality Become a Distant Memory?

Will net neutrality become a distant memory? Today is decision day for the FCC on whether they will repeal the net neutrality 2015 Open Internet Order and make free internet a thing of the past. What will this mean? Here’s a recap as previously reported by Socially Sparked News and digital technology veteran expert Marc [...]
Recording Academy Reveals 2018 Grammy® Nominees
7 years ago

Recording Academy Reveals 2018 Grammy® Nominees

The Recording Academy reveals 2018 Grammy Award® Nominees this morning with the top 4 field categories announced live on CBS This Morning. The big reveal starts the countdown to music's biggest night® and the 60th year of The Grammy Awards®. Singer songwriter Andra Day (Rise Up) led the announcements on the morning show. AND THE [...]
Socially Sparked News Anniversary Promotion
7 years ago

Socially Sparked News Anniversary Promotion

As Socially Sparked News celebrates its anniversary, we invite our readers to celebrate our promotion with us. All year, we've Sparked your life with our passionate features on pop culture, entertainment, technology and advocacy. For 2018, we want your input. WHO SOCIALLY SPARKED™ YOUR LIFE in 2017? We want to know WHO or WHAT SPARKED [...]
Celebrate! Socially Sparked News Turns 1
7 years ago

Celebrate! Socially Sparked News Turns 1

Celebrate! Socially Sparked News turns 1 and we want to celebrate with you! Help us celebrate our 1 Year Anniversary by entering our Birthday Promotion 'Who or What SOCIALLY SPARKED Your Life?' Each month in 2018, Socially Sparked News will feature one of the top 12 winning entries from our Birthday Promotion 'Who or What [...]
Net Neutrality: Staying the Course
7 years ago

Net Neutrality: Staying the Course

Net Neutrality: Staying the Course. The dramatic rise of Internet video — occupying an increasingly dominant share of our aggregate bandwidth — fueled a raging debate over the rules of …
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Historic Seaport Museum Rings 50
7 years ago

Historic Seaport Museum Rings 50

New York's historic Seaport Museum rings 50 with kick-off to year-long 50th birthday celebration last Saturday with free admission to all the museum's offerings within the historic seaport district. April marked 50 years since the museum received its charter from the state of New York. The Seaport Museum celebrates the immigration that built New York [...]