

Twenty World Cancer Day Sparks for 20th Anniversary
4 years ago

Twenty World Cancer Day Sparks for 20th Anniversary

By  •  Advocacy
Cancer and its far and wide reach has Socially Sparked® our lives in both, positive and negative ways. In honor of Word Cancer Day's 20th Anniversary we share twenty sparks on world cancer you should know. WORLD CANCER DAY is a campaign built to resonate, inspire change and mobilize action long after the day has [...]
It’s a Giving Tuesday State of Mind
5 years ago

It’s a Giving Tuesday State of Mind

It’s a Giving Tuesday state of mind. Show your love today.  Perhaps you have heard of #GivingTuesday (GT) the global generosity day that turned into a movement designated to give …
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Global Conversations for a Better World Intensify During UN Week
6 years ago

Global Conversations for a Better World Intensify During UN Week

Global conversations for a better world intensify this week as a variety of activities surrounding UN Week and the 73rd United Nations General Assembly take place in New York City -- all with one common goal in mind — The 17 Global Goals (SDGs). UN Week, a/k/a Global Goals Week runs from September 22nd thru [...]
Sustainable SoundBytes and Technology for Good
7 years ago

Sustainable SoundBytes and Technology for Good

Sustainable SoundBytes and Technology for Good took the world stage on Sunday from the Social Good Summit. World leaders in the arts, activism, entertainment and technology convened together for thought-provoking discussions on some of the most pressing issues of our time. Their messages resonated loud and clear in New York City and across the globe [...]
Curtain Up for UN Week and Social Good
7 years ago

Curtain Up for UN Week and Social Good

The Curtain goes up on the world stage today as UN Week and The Social Good Summit begin. During the week of September 17, world leaders will gather in New York for the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly to foster dialogue and action on the world’s most pressing challenges. Poverty, gender equality, global [...]
Passion – So Sparked Quote of Week+Top 10 Resolutions
8 years ago

Passion – So Sparked Quote of Week+Top 10 Resolutions

So Sparked Quote of the Week:

“Do it with Passion or Not at All” — Rosa Nochette Carey



 Top 10 Socially Sparked New Year Resolutions

As we ring in …
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Celebrate The International Day of the Girl
8 years ago

Celebrate The International Day of the Girl

By  •  Advocacy

Today we celebrate The International Day of The Girl. Did you know that there are 1.1 billion girls today that could be our future leaders and activists of tomorrow? For …
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How VR is Rockin’ in the Real World
8 years ago

How VR is Rockin’ in the Real World

Virtual Reality (VR) is rockin' in the real world these days. VR is popping up everywhere as is evident by the recent flurry of VR product launches by the leading technology companies, the multitude of media coverage on the subject and the addition of the category by technology, media and other business industry conferences. While [...]
Oh Baby, Baby it’s a Wild World
8 years ago

Oh Baby, Baby it’s a Wild World

Buzz words and mottos as 2030 Now and Global Citizen; social issues as Climate Change, Global Poverty and Gender Equality, and music as activism were front and center all last …
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